Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2012 London Paralympics Prices Declared

Upcoming 2012 London Olympics is already creating huge waves among sports lovers! People from all across the globe are looking forward for this magnificent event. Paralympic Games Ticket details have been declared today.

Approximately two million tickets will be available for London Olympics. Half of them will cost around £10 or less. On the other hand, 95% of all the London Olympic Tickets will be priced less than £50 or less.

For both the opening and closing ceremonies, 2012 London Olympic tickets will cost around £20.12, whereas most expensive tickets for the opening ceremony will cost around £500.

On 29th August, spectators who are under 16 and over 60, ticket will cost £5. Paralympic Games will be held between 29th August and 9th September 2012 and 20 sports will be held in 19 venues.

For those are looking for more information and latest updates on 2012 London Olympics, must log on to London Olympics Tickets! Register to our sign up section, you would be provided with mails and newsletters related to 2012 London Olympics!

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